Join us for a historic Shabbos at Chabad!

We would like to share two exciting, important developments with you.

Firstly, we had a special new arrival a few weeks ago - our very own Torah! Thanks to an organization called "Torah Gemach", and their generous donors, which supplies Torahs on loan to start-up communities such as our own, we have been able to acquire a Torah dedicated specifically for Chabad of Sunrise! This is truly a milestone for us and we are eager to put it to use.

Secondly, after completing our first full year here in Sunrise the time came for us to put down more permanent roots. To this end, we were able to purchase the home we are currently living in. We are excited about this development and the sense of permanence as we continue to build Jewish life in the Sunrise area.

To mark these two occasions, we will be having a special Shabbos morning prayer service at our home this week. This will be an opportunity for us to have an inaugural reading from our newly-acquired Torah, followed by a delectable celebratory kiddush.

Services will begin at 10:00 AM (sharp)

Please RSVP that you will be coming by responding to this email. If you are able to bring others who can help make the Minyan too, it would be greatly appreciated!

One note: There are dedication and sponsorship opportunities available for the Torah and the kiddush. Please contact us for details.

Rabbi Dov Ber and Devora Leah Thaler

Special Inaugural Shabbos
February 20, 2016 • 10:00 am
Event Details

We are excited to share this occasion with you!

Saturday, February 20, 2016
Services will begin at 10:00 AM